Military of Macon Co.

Indian Wars

Macon Volunteers - Capt. Wright
Macon Volunteers - Capt. Seymour

Civil War

Military Structure

Hill Family Records

F.C. Adams Pension Application

Company C, 12th Regiment
Company I, 4th Regiment
First Company K, 25th Regiment

Civil War Links

Company A, 1st Battalion

Viet Nam

Macon Co. Soldiers


Andersonville National Cemetery

Name Birth & Death War / Conflict
Dates of Service
Branch of Service
Oswell M. Williams 12/29/1894 - 7/13/1977 WWI Pvt. U.S. Army
William C. McCarty 11/09/1896 - 9/26/1921 WWI Ga Pvt. Co. M. 161 Inf.
Fred G. Hardage 9/01/1915 - 3/21/1988 WWII Tech 5 U.S. Army
Sidney B. McInvale 8/27/1914 - 7/18/1989 WWII U.S. Army
John Jackson Smith 11/10/1924 - 7/29/1992 WWII Pfc. U.S. Army
Gerald Frank Jones 11/24/1932 - 02/09/1953 Korea Sp/5 U.S. Army
James B. Cromer 7/05/1928 - 5/24/1964   Ga Pfc. Co. D. 2nd Armd Cav Bn