Transcriptions of newspaper accounts
Groom listed first
Amerson ~ Willerford
Barnes ~ Oliver
Bateman ~ Peacock
Benford ~ Cromer
Black ~ Butler
Blackbon ~ Smith
Blount ~ Harp (wedding announcement)
Blount ~ Harp (1st account)
Blount ~ Harp (2nd account)
Collins ~ Sparks (wedding announcement)
Collins ~ Sparks
Ellington ~ White
Forehand ~ Cheney
Frederick ~ Rosa Martin (wedding announcement)
Grant ~ Ogburn
Hand ~ Shirah
Hayes ~ Dawson
Hiley ~ Passmore
Hill ~ Shepherd
Houser ~ Mathews
Jarnagin ~ Lester
Kersh ~ Snead
Kimble ~ Carr
King ~ Gay
Lovett ~ Edwards
Lytle ~ Dixon
Martin ~ Moulton
Mitchell ~ Humphries
Netherton ~ Hamilton
Neisler ~ Griffin (marriage)
Neisler ~ Griffin (at home)
Nelson ~ Wallace
Oliver ~ Shepherd (1st account)
Oliver ~ Shepherd (2nd account)
Robinson ~ Montfort
Rustin ~ Watkins
Shepherd ~ Mathews
Simmons ~ Bledsoe
Varner ~ Kilbrew
Whatley ~ Jones
Williams ~ Brooks (invitation)
Williams ~ Brooks (wedding)
Miss Cathron Willerford ~ Jesse Amerson
May 15, 1896
Married: At the home of the bride's father, B.A. Willerford of Macon County, on the 15th, inst. Jesse Amerson to Miss Cathron Willerford. Rev. J.M. Posey officiating. Miss Willerford is a very large and fine looking lady who will tip the beam to 215, while Mr. Amerson is less than half, but an industrious farmer. The Herald extends congratulations and trust that all their trials be little ones.
Note: Jesse's first wife had died early that year, so this was his 2nd marriage. This is actually Jessie Jr. Jessie, Sr. lived in Taylor County as well.
Source: The Butler Herald May 21, 1889: Marilyn Neisler Windham. "Marriages, Deaths, and Etc" from The Butler (Georgia) Herald 1876-1896
Miss Volina Oliver ~ Mr. G. R. Barnes
Jan. 19, 1913
A very pretty home wedding occurred last Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mr. Robert Almon, the bride’s cousin, Miss Volina Oliver, of this county to Mr. G. R. Barnes, of Macon County. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver, a very attractive and popular young lady. Mr. Barnes is a very prosperous young farmer of Macon County. The marriage ceremony was performed by Judge Rustin, of Charing.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 21, 1913, Page Two
Miss Delila Peacock ~ Mr. W. L. Bateman
July 26, 1894
At the residence of the bride's parents at Garden Valley on Thursday the 26th inst., Mr. W.L. Bateman, of Taylor County to Miss Delila Peacock, of Macon County.
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, July 31, 1894, Page Three
Miss Janie Cromer ~ Mr. J. T. Benford
Jan. 20, 1913
"Miss Janie Cromer was married Sunday morning at ten o’clock to Mr. J.T. Benford of this place. Mr. Benford is well known here and has many friends which are glad to learn of his marriage. The bride being the daughter of Mrs. J.H. Burnett. She is one of the most charming girls and is well known in Macon County. The happy young couple will maketheir home in Charing. We wish them both a happy life. A Friend "
Source: The Butler Herald, January 21, 1913, Page Two
Miss Emily Butler ~ Mr. Harper Black
Nov. 1893
Mr. Harper Black, of Sumter County, aged seventy-four years, and Miss Emily Butler, aged forty-nine, were united in marriage at Montezuma Wednesday.
Source: The Butler Herald, November 7, 1893, Page Three
Miss Clyde L. Smith ~ Mr. Chas. L. Blackbon
Mar. 15, 1896
At the residence of the bride's parents near Reynolds at 10 o'clock a.m. on Sunday the 15th inst., occurred the marriage of Miss Clyde L. Smith, daughter of W.E. Smith, formerly of Butler, to Mr. Chas. L. Blackbon, an enterprising farmer of Delta. Judge A.W. Hicks, officiating. The bride is a lovable young lady who has many friends who wish her much happiness.
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, March 24, 1896, Page Three
Miss Edna Harp ~ Mr. Blount
Mar. 11, 1912
Mr. Blount, of Florida, and a number of his friends arrived Sunday afternoon and were met with autos and carried down to Mr. Major Harp’s where he will be married next Tuesday to Miss Edna Harp a most charming and popular young lady.
Source: The Butler Herald, March 19, 1912, Page Two
Miss Edna Harp ~ Mr. Blount
A marriage of considerable interest to Butler friends occurred at Delta, when Miss Edna Harp was united in marriage to Charles Asa Blount, of Chattahoochee, Fla., Rev. S.T. Bentley of Culloden officiating.
The bride, who is a most charming brunette, wore an elegant tan traveling suit with accessories to match. Her flowers were a shower bouquet of Valley Lilies and Bride’s Roses.
Miss Leila Whatley, of Wesleyan College, sang “Because.” She also played the wedding march. There were no attendants; the bride and groom entered the parlor, which was artistically decorated in narcissus, palms and ferns together. Later a delightful wedding breakfast was served to the several hundred guests. Miss Jennie McAuley, of Reynolds, served delicious punch. Miss Marian West, of Butler, Mrs. Spear, of Florida and Mrs. Flowers, of Leesburg, assisted in entertaining the wedding party.
The happy couple will reside in Florida.
Source: The Butler Herald, Page Three
Miss Edna Harp ~ Mr. Blount
Mar. 12, 1912
At the home of the bride’s parents, Major and Mrs. J.W. Harp on last Tuesday afternoon their daughter, Edna Kyle, was married to Mr. C.A. Blount, of Florida. It was quite a pretty home wedding, after which Mr. and Mrs. Blount left for their future home in the “land of flowers.” The warm congratulations and best wishes of a host of friends go with them.
Source: The Butler Herald, March 19, 1912, Page Two
Miss Patsy Sparks ~ Mr. Thomas Collins
"Mrs. Laurie L. Lester announces the engagement of her sister, Miss Patsy Sparks and Mr. Thomas Collins of Ellaville, Ga., the marriage to take place Wednesday, June 2 at Mrs. Lester’s home in Montezuma.
Miss Sparks has visited Mrs. J.A. Battle several times and this pleasant bit of news will interest a number of friends. "
Source: The Talbotton New Era, May 6, 1909, Page 2
Miss Patsy Sparks ~ Mr. Thomas A. Collins
Jun. 2, 1909
The Sparks-Collins nuptials at Montezuma was an occasion of unusual beauty and pleasure. The home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Laura Sparks Lester, was elaborately decorated in palms and ferns, tulle draperies were effectively intermingled. Miss Patsy Sparks, the popular bride, entered on the arm of the groom, Mr. Thomas A. Collins of Ellaville. They stood within a bower of ferns and snowballs. Mrs. Mul(name cut off) played the wedding march, the ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Howard McGehee, while strains of music sounded softly.
The bride wore an exquisite gown of old rose, with lovely and harmonious accessories. She carried bride’s roses. She is greatly beloved by a large circle of friends. Possessing a generally loyal nature and a whole-souled kindliness, she has endeared herself to many hearts and homes. Mr. Collins is one of Ellaville’s most prosperous citizens and is held in highest esteem by all who know him.
Fifty guests were invited, besides a number of out-of-town guests. Dainty ices and cakes in white and green were dispensed. Among those who served: Miss Imogene Smith, Mrs. J.A. Battle also assisted in making this lovely wedding a perfect success.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins left over AB&A for Atlanta. After which they visited New York, Washington and other points. On their return, they will occupy a handsomely appointed home which the groom has furnished at Ellaville.
Their remembrances were a marvel of beauty and costliness.
Source: The Talbotton New Era, June 10, 1909, Page 3
Miss Lucy White ~ Capt. J.C. Ellington
Jun 1887
Capt. J.C. Ellington was married to Miss Lucy White at Griffin last week.
Source: The Marion County Patriot, No. 24, June 17, 1887, Page One, Macon County Record
Miss Bessie Cheney ~ Mr. S. R. Forehand
Jan 28, 1898
Mr. S.R. Forehand, a popular young merchant of this place, was happily married to day at Ellaville, Ga., to Miss Bessie Cheney, of Ellaville. The bride and groom are expected to return here this evening and will live in Montezuma in the future.
Source: The Atlanta Constitution January 28, 1898
Miss Rosa Martin ~ Mr. Frederick
Invitations have been received in Talbotton to the marriage of Miss Rosa Martin to Mr. Frederick of Marshalville, the wedding to take place at the home of the bride's parents in Columbus on the twenty-third of this month.
Source: The Talbotton New Era, December 8, 1904, Page Seven
Miss Reuby Ogburn ~ Mr. Grant
Jan. 29, 1896
Married at Delta, on Thursday evening, Jan. 29th, Miss Reuby (Ruby?) Ogburn to Mr. Grant, of Houston County. Miss Reuby is a sister of Mrs. Tom Pool, of this place. We wish the newly married couple much pleasure, peace and prosperity through life.
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, February 4, 1896, Page Four
Miss Louie Shirah ~ Mr. J. T. Hand
Jan. 21, 1894
At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Lawson Shirah, on Jan. 21st, inst., at 10 o'clock, Mr. J.T. Hand to Miss Louie Shirah, J.T. Adams officiating. The groom is one of Macon County's most persevering and energetic young men and the bride is one of Garden Valley's most charming young ladies. We wish them a long and happy life.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 30, 1894, Page Three
Miss Mattie Dawson ~ Mr. James E. Hayes
Nov. 3, 1886
On the afternoon of the 3rd instant, at Montezuma, Mr. James E. Hayes and Miss Mattie Dawson. Mr. Hayes is one of Montezuma's best and most steady young men, and his bride is clever and accomplished. She is a first-honor graduate at Wesleyan Female College in the class of 1883. We wish them much happiness in their wedded life.
Source: The Marion County Patriot, No. 46, Friday, November 12, 1886, Page Five
Miss Claude Passmore ~ Mr. Roland A. Hiley
Jan. 17, 1894
At the residence of the bride's parents in Macon County at two o'clock on Thursday evening the 17th inst., were united in marriage Mr. Roland A. Hiley, of Fort Valley to Miss Claude Passmore, of Macon County; Rev. J.T. Adams officiating. Mr. Hiley is a prominent business gentleman of Ft. Valley and the bride is a very accomplished young lady who is well known in this county having taught several important schools here. The Herald together with many friends with them much happiness.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 23, 1894, Page Three
Miss Minnie L. Shepherd ~ Mr. John A. Hill
Oct. 13, 1892
At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. P.G. Shepherd, Oct. 13th at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., Mr. John A. Hill, of Taylor County to Miss Minnie L. Shepherd, of Garden Valley, Ga.; Rev. J.T. Adams, officiating. The parlor was decorated beautifully and a nice company of special friends witnessed the impressive ceremony, after which a bountiful supper was served. On Friday a splendid reception was tendered the happy bride and groom with many friends who accompanied them at the residence of Mr. Hill's father. Miss Minnie will be much missed around Garden Valley, but the Valley's loss is Cedar Creek's gain. We wish for them a happy and prosperous voyage through life.
Source: The Butler Herald, October 18, 1892, Page Three
Miss Mamie Mathews ~ Emmett Houser
Editor Emmett Houser, of the Macon County Citizen, was married last week to Miss Mamie Mathews, of Fort Valley.
Source: The Marion County Patriot, No. 45, November 15, 1889, Page One
Miss Ida B. Lester ~ J. B. Jarnagin
J.B. Jarnagin to Miss Ida B. Lester of Montezuma
Source: The Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) July 7, 1876
Miss Lizzie Snead ~ Wm. M. Kersh
May 30, 1891
Mr. Wm. M. Kersh, of Fort Valley, editor of the Enterprise,
was married to Miss Lizzie Snead, of Augusta, last Tuesday evening.
Source: The Solid South, May 30, 1891
Miss Mary Carr ~ Mr. Frank Kimble
Jan. 3, 1893
By Rev. J.T. Adams at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. T.P. Carr, Jan. 3rd, 1893. Mr. Frank Kimble of Macon County to Miss Mary Carr of Elmira. The groom is an enterprising young man of Macon County. And the bride beloved by all who know her. May their pathway through life be strewn with bright flowers. A large crowd witnessed the ceremony. Several nice presents were presented and splendid supper for all.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 10, 1893, Page Three
Miss Margaret Gay ~ Mr. M. H. King
Jan. 20, 1912
We are very pleased to learn through the columns of our esteemed contemporary, the Montezuma Record, of the happy marriage of Mr. M. H. King, the popular cashier of the Bank of Mauk, and Miss Margaret Gay, of Atlanta, the happy event of which was solemnized at Montezuma Sunday, March 24th.
Source: The Butler Herald, April 2, 1912, Page Three
Miss Eva Grady Edwards ~ Rev. Wm C. Lovett
Dec. 28, 1899
Miss Eva Grady Edwards and Rev. Wm C. Lovett, D.D. were married Wednesday December 28 at the home of the bride's parents in Marshallville. Rev. F.A. Branen officiating. Dr. and Mrs. Lovett left at one o'clock for Thomasville where they will remain for several days before going to Cuthbert their future home.
Source: The Talbotton New Era, January 6, 1899
Miss Dora Dixon ~ Mr. Zeke Lytle
Sep. 9, 1886
Yesterday Mr. Zeke Lytle was married to Miss Dora Dixon, at Garden Valley.
Source: The Marion County Patriot, No. 37, Friday, September 10, 1886, Page One, Macon County Record
Miss Minnie Moulton ~ Mr. Martin
Jan. 19, 1896
We learn that Miss Minnie, the accomplished daughter of Mr. F.M. Moulton, of Macon County was married to Mr. Martin, of Houston County last Sunday, Rev. J.T. Adams officiating. The bride and groom have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, January 21, 1896, Page Three
Miss Folks Humphries ~ Mr. W.E. Mitchell
Feb. 12, 1891
At the courthouse in Butler on Thursday the 12th inst., by Judge W.P. Caldwell, Mr. W.E. Mitchell, of Macon County to Miss Folks Humphries, of Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have the best wishes of many friends.
Source: The Butler Herald, February 17, 1891, Page Three
Miss Lou Griffin ~ Hon. Charles H. Neisler
Nov. 21, 1917
The marriage at 11 o’clock yesterday (Wednesday) of Miss Lou Griffin, of Oglethorpe, and Hon. Charles H. Neisler, of Reynolds, was an occasion of much interest here, as in our neighbor city, and the congratulations of scores of friends are reserved for the newly wedded couple upon their return here about December first.
The rites were solemnized at the residence of the bride’s parents, Hon. and Mrs. W.J. Griffin, and was withal, a quiet but beautiful home wedding, witnessed by a small assemblage of relatives and friends.
Rev. J.H. Owens, of Macon, read the vows to the radiantly happy couple, and after congratulations had been showered upon them, Mr. and Mrs. Neisler left upon an extended wedding trip to New York and other eastern cities. They will be “at home” after December 1st at their attractive residence in Reynolds.
The bride is an attractive young woman of engaging personalities and charm of manner, which has endeared her to many friends here, who extend to her a hearty welcome to Reynolds. Mr. Neisler, whose home is in Reynolds, is one of the most prominent citizens of Taylor County, one of its largest and most successful planters, orchardmen and businessmen. He is one of the County Commissioners, which office he has filled with honor to himself and credit to the county for many years.
The Butler Herald, November 22, 1917, Page Two
Hon. and Mrs. Charles H. Neisler
Hon. and Mrs. C.H. Neisler arrived home Monday night after an extended wedding tour in the East, visiting New York, Washington City, Baltimore and other points of interest, coming from Atlanta thru the country by automobile. They will be at home to their friends at their pretty home on Washington Avenue.
Source: The Butler Herald, Page Two
Miss Kate Wallace ~ Hon. Penn Nelson
Mar. 21, 1912
"J.P. Nelson of Oglethorpe Marries Miss Wallace of Crawford County
Hon. Penn Nelson, County School Commissioner of Macon County and a graduate of Butler Male & Female College was married last Thursday afternoon to Miss Kate Wallace at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Wallace. Mrs. Nelson is a niece of the late Col. W.S. Wallace of this city. She is the third wife of Mr. Nelson and all nieces of Col. Wallace. "
Source: The Butler Herald, March 26, 1912, Page Two
Miss Annie Hamilton ~ R.L. Netherton
We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the marriage of R.L. Netherton and Miss Annie Hamilton, which will take place at the Methodist church in Montezuma next Wednesday evening. A reception will be tendered to the happy couple at the residence of W.H. Harrison, Junior.
Source: The Marion County Patriot, No. 41, Friday, October 8, 1886, Page Five, Local Short Stops
Miss Lizzie Shepherd ~ Mr. E. L. Oliver
Jan. 21, 1894
At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. P.G. Shepherd, on Jan. 21st inst., at 11 o'clock, Mr. E.L. Oliver to Miss Lizzie Shepherd, J.T. Adams, officiating. The groom, a very efficient salesman in Mr. W.I. Powell's store in Reynolds, is a very accomplished young man full of vim and push. The bride is one of Garden Valley's fairest and most fascinating young ladies. After the marriage a very nice dinner was served. May they live long and their lives be happy and prosperous. They returned Monday to their future home in Reynolds.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 30, 1894, Page Three
Miss Lizzie Shepherd ~ Mr. Earnest Oliver
Jan. 21nd 1894
Wedding bells are ringing again. This time they rang joy to two hearts that beat as one, in the breast of Mr. Earnest Oliver and Miss Lizzie Shepherd. Mr. Oliver is the efficient clerk for Mr. W.I. Powell, a young man who is self-made and who has a host of friends. Miss Shepherd is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. P.G. Shepherd, formerly of this county, but now of Garden Valley.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 23, 1894, Page Three
Miss Sara Montfort ~ Mr. Gilbert C. Robinson
Nov 20, 1917
What is declared to have been one of the most beautiful weddings that ever occurred in Butler took place Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock, when Miss Sara Montfort, the bright and cultured young daughter of Hon. and Mrs. O.T. Montfort, became the bride of Mr. Gilbert C. Robinson, of Montezuma. It was celebrated at the palatial home of the Clerk of the Superior Court, the bride’s father, the home being beautifully and tastefully decorated, pretty and fragrant fall blossoms being used in the decorations in profusion with quantities of carnations. The marriage ceremony was impressively read to them by Rev. J.H. Stanford, of Columbus.
The wedding was preceded by a delightful musical program, including two vocal numbers, “A Bowl of Roses” and “At Dawning”, which were charmingly rendered by Mrs. Julian Edwards. The bridal party entered to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, the bride on the arm of her brother, Mr. L.F. Montfort, and the groom with his twin brother, Mr. Adams Robinson. During the ceremony Humoresque was softly played; after the ceremony Mendelsohn’s wedding march was rendered by Miss Atholene Childs.
Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for points of interest in Florida, where they will spend two weeks, boarding the train amid a perfect shower of rice and a chorus of goodwishes. Upon their return from the “Land of Flowers” they will reside in Montezuma, where the groom is a prominent attorney associated with his brother-in-law, Hon. Jule Felton.
It is the source of regret that the fortunate groom lives in another city, which will remove from our midst one of the most attractive and popular young women ever reared in our town, and who has always taken a leading part in the social and religious life of Butler.
As a pleasurable coincident to this wedding, it is of interest to state that the groom’s twin brother, Mr. Adam Robinson, a prominent druggist of Byromville, was happily married that same day at high noon to Miss Clara Adams, one of Byromville’s most charming young women, each brother acting as the best man at the wedding of the other. The latter joined the former couple here both departing together on the bridal journey to Florida.
Among those present at this elegant wedding was a very large group of friends and prominent citizens of Montezuma and other places.
An unusually large number of handsome and costly presents bore testimony to the popularity of the young couple.
The Herald joins many warm friends in extending hearty congratulations and the very best of good wishes for a long, useful and happy life.
Source: The Butler Herald, November 22, 1917, Page Five
Miss Ora Watkins ~ Mr. J. B. Rustin
Dec. 1, 1917
A wedding of much interest in Garden Valley county was that of Miss Ora Watkins to Mr. J.B. Rustin, which took place December 1st at Macon. The bride, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. N. Watkins, was one of the most popular ladies in the community, while Mr. Rustin’s friends are numbered by the score. They will make their future home at Garden Valley we are pleased to learn. The Herald joins many friends in extending congratulations and best wishes
Source: The Butler Herald, January 24, 1918, Page Three
Miss Minnie Lee Mathews ~ Mr. L. Jackson Shepherd
Oct. 9, 1892
At the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Mary Aultman Mathews, on Sunday Oct. 9th at 10:30 o’clock a.m., Mr. L. Jackson Shepherd to Miss Minnie Lee Mathews; all of Garden Valley, Ga. Rev. J.T. Adams, officiating. Mr. Shepherd is one of the most substantial young men of Macon County, and Miss Minnie is a true representative of Macon County’s fairest daughters, whose intelligence, beauty, modest and queenly grace is characteristic of this Southland. We predict for them a prosperous and happy life.
Source: The Butler Herald, October 11, 1892, Page Three
Miss Lilly Bledsoe ~ Mr. Willie Simmons
Jan. 3rd 1890
On December 24 Mr. Willie Simmons was married to Miss Lilly Bledsoe; both parties of Garden Valley. We wish them a happy life.
Source: The Butler Herald, January 14, 1890, Page Three
Miss Annie Kilbrew ~ Mr. Forest Varner
July 30, 1894
Miss Annie Kilbrew, the popular daughter of Mr. W.H. Kilbrew, of Montezuma, was married yesterday to Mr. Forest Varner, a railroad engineer of Macon. The ceremony was quietly performed at the residence of the bride’s father, and the happy couple left on the afternoon train for their future home in Macon. – Macon County Citizen.
Miss Annie was formerly a pupil of Butler M. & F. College, and has many friends here who wish for her much happiness.
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, July 31, 1894, Page Three
Miss Henrietta Jones ~ Mr. David Whatley
Jun 29, 1911
On last Thursday afternoon Mr. David Whatley accompanied by Miss Henrietta Jones drove up to the parsonage in Reynolds and presented themselves as candidates for matrimony. They were ushered into the parlor where Rev. Z.T. Weaver united them in the holy bonds of wedlock, only a few friends being present. The brown-eyed bride was prettily attired in white silk. She is from Garden Valley and is a member of one of the best families of that place, being the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Jones; however, she has spent most of her time with her cousin, Mrs. Chas. Daniel in Reynolds where she has won many friends by her pleasant manner.
The groom is a progressive farmer of Taylor County. Their many friends wish them a bonny voyage thru the sea of matrimony.
Source: The Butler Herald, July 4, 1911, Page Two
Brooks ~ Williams Wedding Invitation
"he following invitation has been received in Butler:
Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Brooks request the honor of your presence at the marriage
of their daughter, Ora Leazyna to Mr. George Lester Williams, on Wednesday
April 15, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Six, at High Noon at their residence,
Oglethorpe, Georgia "
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, April 14, 1896, Page Three
Miss Ora Brooks ~ Mr. G.L. Williams
"Yesterday at the home of the bride's parents Mr. G.L. Williams and Miss Ora Brooks were united in marriage, Rev. T.T. Christian officiating.
After the wedding they took the train for Americus where they will make their future home. The Citizen wishes them a long and happy life. - Macon County Citizen
The bride is well known in this city having for several years attended school here, and since made many pleasant visits to her friends. She has many friends here who join The Herald in extending its best wishes. "
Source: The Butler Herald, Tuesday, April 21, 1896, Page Three