
Judge J.S. Elmore


How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7

The death of Judge Elmore is the cause of sincere regret to his hosts of friends throughout this section of Georgia. He died of heart failure Thursday night at his home in Oglethorpe. For the past fifteen years Judge Elmore has been Ordinary of Macon County, and we dare say there was never an official in that county that stood closer to the hearts of the people than he. He was a true Christian gentleman and was ever ready to do service for the Master. He delighted in preaching the gospel and had regular appointments at some of the churches near his home.

Judge Elmore was 70 years old and leaves a wife, five daughters and five sons besides scores of friends to mourn his death.

Source: The Butler Herald, January 17, 1911, Page Three

Little Joe Fountain

Charing Items

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Fountain extend to them their sympathy in the loss of one of their twins, “Little Joe”, which took place in their home in Macon County last Wednesday morning at five o’clock.

This little babe had been in delicate health all of its life and the eight months of its short life was days and weeks of suffering and while loving hearts and gentle hands did all that was possible to vitalize the fragile flower but was of not avail and the angelic spirit was taken to climes more genial and as a beacon light to shine to lighten the pathway of father and mother to the home of the redeemed.

The form of this sweet little babe was laid to rest in the Bloodworth Cemetery. The services conducted by Rev. J.T. Adams

Source: The Butler Herald, June 20, 1911, Page Three

Joe Brown Fountain

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain,
for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4

Little Joe Brown Fountain, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Fountain, of Montezuma, was buried here on the 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Fountain have the heartfelt sympathy of the many friends and relatives at this place. Mrs. Fountain and children are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Garrett.

Source: The Butler Herald, June 20, 1911, Page Two

Mr. Holmes Frederick

Died Friday Morning

Mr. Holmes Frederick, who was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when he fell through an elevator shaft in Atlanta, died Friday morning at 7 o’clock as a result of the injuries received.

Mr. Frederick was president of the Frederick Disinfectant Company of Atlanta and was well known here and in Columbus, having married Miss Rosa Martin, daughter of the late Judge J.H. Martin, of Columbus.

He was about 35 years of age at the time of this death. His body was taken to his old home at Marshalville where the funeral and interment took place.

Source: The Butler Herald, January 28, 1913, January 28, 1913, Page Four

C. D. Gallaher

Mr. Gallaher, of the Gallaher Grocery Co., of Montezuma, happened to a horrible accident Tuesday night on leaving Mr. J. Brook’s store for Mr. Atzanda Shirah’s his horse became frightened and he was thrown from his buggy, his head was crushed from the fall the effects of which he died Wednesday.

Source: The Butler Herald, May 9, 1911, Page Two

C. D. Gallaher

C.D. Gallaher, a prominent businessman of Montezuma died Thursday from injuries received the day before when his horses ran away two miles out of the city. Mr. Gallaher was thrown from the vehicle and his skull was fractured. He never revived. Mr. Gallaher was a member of the Gallaher Grocery Company of Montezuma and had represented the firm on the road for many years.

Source: The Butler Herald, May 9, 1911, Page Three

M. B. Gilmore

Local Paragraphs

The remains of Mr. M.B. Gilmore were carried from Atlanta to Oglethorpe for burial last Thursday. Mr. Gilmore was an ex-sheriff of Macon County. He died at the home of his son-in-law in Atlanta Wednesday.

Source: The Butler Herald, March 21, 1911, Page Three

Mrs. William Green

Local Paragraphs

At the family residence near Grangerville, in Macon County, occurred last week the death of Mrs. William Green, the estimable wife of Rev. William Green who is well known in this county. Mr. Green was at one time a pupil in the Butler school and is pleasantly remembered by many of our people who will be grieved to learn of the death of his beloved helpmeet.

Source: The Butler Herald, September 19, 1911, Page Three