Schley County News

Why the Band Didn't Play
Macon Co. Courthouse
Weird Sight
Lewis Campaign

Why the Band Didn't Play

The Schley County News

The BandAs my refusal last Friday to grant permission to Mr. Lewis' campaign band to play at the polls in Oglethorpe on election day, has been misinterpreted and misconstrued, I deem it due to the people whom I have the honor to represent and to myself to state the facts in the case and leave the verdict to an unbiased public.

Partisan feeling was already running high and when it was announced on our streets late Thursday night that Mr. Lewis would march a band of music up to the polls in Oglethorpe early Friday morning there to remain and play until the polls closed, some spirited young men of the town without the knowledge of the older friends of Mr. Felton, rushed off and hired two brass bands to play for Felton.

This entended program for the day was reported to me as mayor of Oglethorpe. I knew that it would not do to permit it to be carried out. Both sides were wrought up to a high pitch and very little was then necessary to precipitate trouble.

Not only would the spectacle of three brass bands playing at the polls, where only intelligent white democrats were supposed to be voting, have been a reflection upon our little city, and a disgrace to the democratic party of Macon county, but it might have resulted in one of the bloodiest riots that this section has ever seen.

Viewing the situation from an official standpoint, without consulting the interest of either candidate, considering only my official duty, in preserving the peace and upholding the dignity of the city laws, I immediately ordered the marshall and police force to meet the band at the city limits, read to them the ordinance, which is an old one, prohibiting the banging of drums, the blowing of horns, etc. on the streets without the permission of the mayor, and kindly inform them that under the surrounding circumstances the mayor would not on this occasion grant that permission.

This order was obeyed, the band did not play and the election passed off orderly. I have no apology to offer for enforcing the law, as it was my duty and in the interest of the public to do that, but I regret that this stern duty excluded from our city that day the Ellaville Band.

Ellaville fills a warm spot in my heart and every member of that Band I recommend(?) among my personal friends.

Under ordinary circumstances it then and will yet be a great pleasure not only to me but to most of the leading citizens of Oglethorpe to extend to the Ellaville Band all the privileges of our fine city and all the courtesies at my command.

R.Don McLeod, Mayor of Oglethorpe.

Macon Co. Courthouse

The Schley County News, Thursday, August 24, 1893 No. 33

The people of Macon county will vote the question of removing the Court house from Oglethorpe to Montezuma the 22nd of September.

A Weird Sight

The Schley County News, Thursday, August 24, 1893 No. 33

Our townsman Mr. R. C. Meadows received a letter Friday from his sister who lives in Macon Co. in which she gives an account of a thrilling experience she had on last Tuesday night sitting in her room just before retiring. She was startled to see blood streaming down apparently from the ceiling, it continued to fall down until there were 17 pudles in one room, 7 in another while streams of blood could be seen all over the hall. Her husband was badly frightened and hurredly called in some neighbors living near by. They went over immediately but when they reached the house the flow of blood suddenly ceased. Large numbers of white and colored people called at the house the next day and declare that they never saw or heard of such a strange sight. The blood was still on the floor although efforts have been made to get it up. Mrs. Daniel is an old lady of undoubted veracity and says in her letter that she knows people who have not seen her house will doubt the truth of her statement but she is confident it was something supernatural and sent as a warning of impending evil. Her brother Mr. Meadows concurs in this belief and is much worried over the strange phenomian.

Hon. E. B. Lewis' Campaign

The Eclipse Band
A Most Pleasant Trip
The Schley County News, Thursday, June 8, 1894 No. 22

Bright and early Thursday morning May 31st, ere the sun had cast its beauty rays over our beautiful Scotland, the "Eclipse Band," in their new band wagon, with a large display of banners dedicated to Hon. E.B. Lewis of Montezuma, bid farewell to the people of Ellaville for a few days and journeyed in the direction of Montezuma, where we were engaged to play for Mr. Lewis at the nomination of senator.

We were met at Fountainville by a delegation of Lewis supporters and escorted through Oglethorpe to Montezuma. On passing through Oglethorpe we played Mantau and Copeland, but not a whisper could be heard from the lips of those people, as they knew then that the Eclipse Band would carry Lewis through or blow out the valves in our horns. Defeat was stamped on every Felton man's face.

Arriving at our destination we were greeted by many cheers. We were escorted to Library Hall, where after playing several selections we listened to one of the greatest political speeches, in favor of Atkinson, that ever fell from an orators lips. After the speaking we repaired to the Minor Hotel, where a special dinner had been prepared by those gifted in the culinary art.

We played in the afternoon at the hours of 2 and 4 for the amusement of the citizens and after then we were free to enjoy ourselves in any way we disired. Numerous games were participated in and enjoyed.

We all went out to preaching at night and were entertained very highly by Bro. Ainsworth, a gifted devine.

We spent the day in Montezuma and enjoyed ourselves to the utmost extent. Anxiously did every man await the results of the nomination, and when the good news came, that Hon. E.B. Lewis would represent the 13th district, the people went wild. When the senator arrived the band struck up "Dixie" and such shouts and yells have not been heard since the election of Cleveland.

After escorting him to his lovely home and bidding him good night we were invited to attend an entertainment given by Dr. and Mrs. Chambers, in honor of the band and there in the presence of the prettiest girls and handsomest boys in the state of Georgia we spent the most pleasant evening of our lives.

It matters not where we are or what our thoughts may be there will be a sweet memory of the good people of Montezuma. We feel greatly indebted to Mr. Will McKensie for the assistance rendered the band.

I am of the opinion that our baritone and snare drum players will make their future home in Montezuma:

Solo Trombone

Additional Comments: The Eclipse Band was the Ellaville Eclipse Band.