Garden Valley News from the Butler Herald
Garden Valley News - 12/12/1893
Garden Valley News - 05/08/1894
Garden Valley News - 11/13/1894
Garden Valley News - 01/09/1912
Garden Valley News - 11/16/1913
Garden Valley News - 09/23/1913
The Butler Herald, December 12, 1893, Page Three
By Bob ~ Dec. 9th
- We have been having some very cold weather for the past few days.
- The farmers have learned at last it seems that they must raise what they consume at home. We do not know of a farmer in this community who will have to buy corn or meat next year and they are sowing lots of grain.
- Mr. M.M. Johnson, who has been quite sick is thought to be improving.
- Mr. Jordan Meadows is slowly improving to the delight of his many friends.
- Mr. A.J. Johnson has moved his family from Marion County to Garden Valley his former home. We are glad to welcome him.
- Mr. H.H. Aultman, of Reynolds will move his family to Garden Valley shortly. He will take charge of the store here another year. Mr. Aultman has a great many friends here.
- Mr. G.W.L. Wadkins is building a new storehouse at his home near here. We wish him much success.
- Prof. Passmore closed his school here last Thursday at his place for this year. School will open again the first Monday in January.
- Mr. C.B. Passmore is spending a few days with home folks.
- Madam Rumor speaks of several marriages in the near future. How about old Bob? - Ed.
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, May 8, 1894, Page Three
- We are having some very dry weather at present.
- Cotton chopping is the order of the day.
- Miss Sallie Eliton, one of Cedar Creek’s most charming young ladies is visiting Mr. G.T. Passmore’s family this week.
- Miss Emma Lindsey, returned last week after a pleasant visit to her brother in Macon.
- Mr. Jim Childs accompanied by his sister, Miss Lizzie visited the family of Mr. Joe Lockwood last week.
- Rev. J.R. Respess will preach at Oak Grove tomorrow.
- Mrs. A. Shirah, of Cedar Creek was in the Valley yesterday.
- The many friends of Mrs. Jason Shirah will be pleased to learn that she is improving.
- Rev. Jason Shirah, has been quite sick, but is improving. We hope to see him and his wife up in a few days. ~ Bob, May 5th, ‘94
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, November 13, 1894, Page Three
- Everything is quiet and news is scarce.
- Miss Hattie Walters has a flourishing school at this place.
- Prof. L.D. Passmore has a good school at Sumner.
- Miss Katie Jackson one of Vienna’s most charming young ladies returned home last week to the regret of her many friends.
- Miss Eva Shirah, returned home Tuesday from Cedar Springs where she has been attending school.
- Mr. W.G. Simmons and wife, Messrs. Bledsoe and B. Green returned home Tuesday from Dooly where they have been visiting relatives and friends.
- A great many went from here to the Macon Fair, all report a nice time and a good Fair.
- Quite a large crowd from here is attending the quarterly meeting at Crowell today.
- Madam Rumor says that there will be several weddings in the near future. Listen!
The Butler Herald, January 9, 1912, Page Two
- Miss Leila Passmore is visiting relatives in Charing.
- Mr. Hiram Long left Friday for Tifton where he will attend school.
- Mr. Cleon Watkins and sister, Ora, returned home Friday from Macon where they have been visiting relatives.
- Misses Jewel and Pearl Simmons came home from Walden Sunday where they have been visiting relatives.
- Misses Willie Maude and Vera Watkins left for Fort Valley Friday for a few days.
- Mr. J.M. McCarthy, of Ft. Valley visited friends here Friday.
- Mr. C. Woodall and granddaughter, Miss Lizzie Maude Woodall, of Mauk, visited relatives here last week.
- Miss Winnie Young, of Macon, who is teaching music here, is expected back Sunday.
- Mr. W.D. Harp came home Sunday from Byron where he has been visiting friends.
- Miss Emmie Harris, of Havana, Fla., is spending the holidays with homefolks.
- Miss Vera Watkins left for Fort Valley Wednesday where she will attend school.
- Mrs. Cleve Harp is visiting relatives near Byron.
- Mrs. R.S. Perry is visiting relatives in Fort Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Draughon entertained a merry crowd of young people at an 8 o'clock luncheon Thursday evening December 28th in honor of Miss Willie Maud Watkins, of Sylvester, who spent the holidays with homefolks. Christmas decorations prevailed in each apartment, emphasizing an effective green and red color motif which predominated in every detail. The table was lovely in all of its appointments having a centerpiece of a beautiful dish of various fruits and decorations in keeping with the season. At 11 o'clock the crowd dispersed after having enjoyed the hospitality of the host and hostess to the fullest extent possible. The invited guests were: Misses Clara Hardison, Vera Watkins, Elma, Edna and Theresa Harp, of Garden Valley; Ethel Gardner, Hattie Bell and Alice Lightner, of Ideal; Willie Draughon, of Reynolds, Messrs. W.D. and Sam Harp, of Garden Valley; Oscar and Walter Draughon, of Reynolds; Wallace Nelson, Lester Lightner, Sam Gardner, J.B. Carson, Tom Allen, Tarrier, Dr. Tom Henry Brooks, of Ideal.
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, September 16, 1913, Page Four
Garden Valley correspondent to the Montezuma Georgian
- Herbert Speer of Florida is spending sometime with relatives here.
- Miss Myrtice Shepard is attending the G.N.&I. College at Milledgeville.
- Talmage Shepherd has gone to Oglethorpe where he has accepted a position.
- Miss Emmie Harris has gone to Havanna, Fla., where she has been elected as one of the teachers in the Havanna high school.
- Miss Lela Passmore has returned from a very pleasant visit to Charing.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard of Syracuse were the recent guests of Mr. P.G. Shepard and family.
- Miss Willie Maud Watkins has returned to Sylvester to resume her school duties.
- Mrs. W.R. Lang is spending sometime in Fort Valley and Atlanta.
- Miss Dora Leggette has returned to her home in Sylver after a short visit to relatives here.
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, September 23, 1913, Page Eight, Garden Valley Items
- Mrs. John Garrett of Clearing is the guest of Mr. R.E. Fouche.
- Miss Louella Harvey of Dade City, Fla. spent last week with Miss Mable Cannon.
- Mr. C.R. Harris has opened up a new grocery store here.
- Mrs. Bonny McCarty of Ft. Valley is spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hardison.
- Miss Childree of Perry is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J.J. Childree.
- Mrs. Lee Mills of Clearing spent last week with her sister, Mrs. R.E. Fouche.
- Messrs. Cliff Harris, Sykes Simmons and Chas. Shepard made a business trip to Rochelle Thursday.
- Mr. Burnard Parks will leave soon for Mercer University to take a course in pharmacy. - Montezuma Georgian