The Butler Herald
A Good Farmer
McWhorter Reunion
Brother Leon Greer's Retirement
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks Wedding Anniversary
J.R. Humphries Resigns
Osce Walters Shot Down By Al Joiner
Osce Walters Will Probably Lose Eyes
Al Joiner Aquitted
Visit to Prof. and Mrs. J.M. Richardson
Camp Meeting
Cotton Crop
Barfield Brothers Fight
Courthouse Cornerstone
Prof. Nelson, Oglethorpe High School
Residence Burned
Fishing Trip
W.D. Harp Seriously Ill
Two Macon County Girls Kidnapped By Negress
Montezuma Record for Sale
Macon County primary
Fire in Marshallville
Man Hit by Train
Commissioner Suffers Appendicitis
Fire Destroys Three Ideal Stores and Bank
A Good Farmer
The Butler Herald, March 28, 1893, Page Three
Mr. Wm. Barrow, living near Delta, is not only one of Macon counties best citizens, but a successful merchant and one of the best farmers in Georgia. He has at least one thousand bushels of corn in his crib and bacon in proportion to corn in his smokehouse. He is one of the few farmers in Georgia who plants but little cotton, but makes a specialty of corn, wheat, oats, peas, potatoes, etc.; and just here lies his success, as everyone who is acquainted with Mr. Barrow knows this to be true. A gentleman from Butler who recently visited the home of Mr. Barrow states that his grain crop, especially his oats are fine; in fact, the best he has seen at this season of the year. Mr. Barrow informed our friend that he had a cow that is now giving 19 quarts of milk at each milking or 38 quarts per day. This is also vouched by Mrs. Barrow who attends strictly to the dairy, and from the proceeds of this cow alone she realizes enough to purchase most of the necessities for her family. We wish our whole country was full of just such farmers as Mr. Barrow.
The Butler Herald, August 15, 1893, Page One
Georgia News Notes
At a recent reunion of the McWhorter family in Oglethorpe, there were over 125 members of that family present. The family settled in Georgia over seventy-five years ago and numbers many distinguished Georgians among its number.
Brother Leon Greer's Retirement
Sale of the Herald
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, January 10, 1911, Page Three
The Herald learns with much regret that Brother Leon Greer retires from the field of journalism after 14 years of faithful and efficient service with the Macon County Citizen at Oglethorpe. Col. Greer has sold his paper to Mr. Albert N. McLeod, who is a son of Judge R. Don McLeod, former editor and owner of the paper. Mr. McLeod served his apprenticeship in the office of the Citizen and after years of schooling in larger undertakings, which has greatly broadened his ability, he returns to Oglethorpe and assumes entire management of the Citizen. We wish for him the abundant success he justly deserves. Col. Greer will devote all of his time to the practice of law.
Hicks Wedding Anniversary
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, November 21, 1911, Page Two
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks, formerly prominent citizens of Reynolds, but now of Montezuma, celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary Tuesday, having a 6 o’clock dinner, says the Record. Those present were Mrs. W.R. McElmurray and son, Mrs. B.R. Adams, Miss Mamie Bunting, Col. Jere Moore and wife, Miss Zella Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Souter and Lal Cannon.
J.R. Humphries Resigns
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, July 25, 1911, Page Two
Mr. J.R. Humphries, who for the past three years has been cashier of the Macon County Bank, has resigned the position and as soon as he winds up his personal business interests here will probably leave the city. Mr. Humphries has been a strong factor in the business and political interests of the city ever since his arrival. He is recognized as a man of superior business intellect, accommodating and courteous. Under his judicious management the Macon County Bank has grown remarkably. He is a young man whose ability makes him in too much demand to remain in a small city, and though Oglethorpe will deeply regret to lose him, yet it is realized that it is to his interest to go to a larger field of endeavor. He and his most estimable wife will, if they move from Oglethorpe, leave a vacancy in the business, religious and social circles of the city that will be hard to fill. – Macon County Citizen
Macon Co. Man Shot Down in Street
Osce Walters the Victim of Easter Tragedy
Montezuma, March 23
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, March25, 1913, Page One
Bad feeling between Al Joiner, of Byromville, and Osce Walters, of Montezuma, that is said to have existed for some time, resulted in a shooting affray here today that it is feared will result fatally for Walters. Both families are prominent.
Joiner drove over from his home in Dooly County, some twenty-five miles distance, this morning. He spent the day here. This afternoon at four o’clock he met Walters on the main street of the town, while many persons were on the street, and according to witnesses, there was hardly a word exchanged between the two, when Joiner is alleged to have opened fire with an automatic gun. He fired four times, each shot taking effect.
Walters was taken to his home, where it was said late tonight that he had no chance to recover. After the shooting Joiner coolly stepped into his automobile and drove away. The car started toward Byromville. No effort was made to stop Joiner. What action will be taken in the matter has not yet been determined.
Victim of Shooting Loses Eyes
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, April 1, 1913, Page Eight
Oscar Walters, who was shot four times with a shotgun by Alfred Joiner, will probably lose his eyesight for life, according to physicians of the Macon hospital where he is now.
It is reported that his right eye has already been removed and that his left eye is in bad condition. He will remain at the hospital for several weeks and it is not believed he will ever see again. His wife is with him in Macon.
It is said that Joiner did the shooting because of a charge made by his sister, Miss Alice Joiner, but Walters firmly denies intimacy with her. It is said that Joiner met Walters on the streets of Montezuma and began the shooting before a word was spoken. The first charge struck Walters in the face, the next three on the back of the head and the middle of the back and on the leg. Death was thought certain at the time of the occurrence.
Although every effort will be made to save the left eye, Walters will be very lucky if he ever sees again.
Macon Co. Superior Court Acquits Al Joiner on Serious Charge
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, May 20, 1913, Page Four
Wednesday the case of the State vs. Al Joiner, charge with assault with intent to murder on the person of Osce Walters, was called and occupied the entire day. The courtroom was packed from early morn till night on account of the deep interest in the outcome of the trial.
The trial was the sequence to the shooting of Osce Walters on Dooley Street in Montezuma on the afternoon of March 23. Several witnesses were introduced by attorneys on both sides. Arguments were made by all four of the attorneys. The case went to the jury at about 5 o’clock and a verdict was returned in thirty or forty minutes acquitting Mr. Joiner of the charge. – Montezuma Georgian
HON. E.B. Lewis' Campaign
The Eclipse Band
A Most Pleasant Trip
The Schley County News, Thursday, June 8, 1894 No. 22
Bright and early Thursday morning May 31st, ere the sun had cast its beauty rays over our beautiful Scotland, the "Eclipse Band," in their new band wagon, with a large display of banners dedicated to Hon. E.B. Lewis of Montezuma, bid farewell to the people of Ellaville for a few days and journeyed in the direction of Montezuma, where we were engaged to play for Mr. Lewis at the nomination of senator.
We were met at Fountainville by a delegation of Lewis supporters and escorted through Oglethorpe to Montezuma. On passing through Oglethorpe we played Mantau and Copeland, but not a whisper could be heard from the lips of those people, as they knew then that the Eclipse Band would carry Lewis through or blow out the valves in our horns. Defeat was stamped on every Felton man's face.
Arriving at our destination we were greeted by many cheers. We were escorted to Library Hall, where after playing several selections we listened to one of the greatest political speeches, in favor of Atkinson, that ever fell from an orators lips. After the speaking we repaired to the Minor Hotel, where a special dinner had been prepared by those gifted in the culinary art.
We played in the afternoon at the hours of 2 and 4 for the amusement of the citizens and after then we were free to enjoy ourselves in any way we disired. Numerous games were participated in and enjoyed.
We all went out to preaching at night and were entertained very highly by Bro. Ainsworth, a gifted devine.
We spent the day in Montezuma and enjoyed ourselves to the utmost extent. Anxiously did every man await the results of the nomination, and when the good news came, that Hon. E.B. Lewis would represent the 13th district, the people went wild. When the senator arrived the band struck up "Dixie" and such shouts and yells have not been heard since the election of Cleveland.
After escorting him to his lovely home and bidding him good night we were invited to attend an entertainment given by Dr. and Mrs. Chambers, in honor of the band and there in the presence of the prettiest girls and handsomest boys in the state of Georgia we spent the most pleasant evening of our lives.
It matters not where we are or what our thoughts may be there will be a sweet memory of the good people of Montezuma. We feel greatly indebted to Mr. Will McKensie for the assistance rendered the band.
I am of the opinion that our baritone and snare drum players will make their future home in Montezuma:
Solo Trombone
Additional Comments: The Eclipse Band was the Ellaville Eclipse Band.
Visit to Prof & Mrs. J. M. Richardson
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, June 13, 1911, Page Three
While on a visit to Montezuma recently, we made a short though very pleasant visit to the home of Prof. and Mrs. J.M. Richardson. Many here will remember Mr. Richardson as being one of the most highly esteemed principals ever at the head of the Butler Male and Female College. Both Mr. and Mrs. Richardson inquired about nearly all of their Butler friends and sent to them pleasant words of remembrance and best wishes. Mr. Richardson has been elected for the fourth year to the Superintendent of the Montezuma school which is one of the largest in this section with eight teachers comprising the faculty. They leave Montezuma in a few days for their summer vacation in Tennessee and east Georgia.
Camp Meeting
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, July 17, 1894, Page Three
A large crowd from Butler attended camp meeting at Miona Springs last Sunday. It was estimated that there were at least fifteen hundred or two thousand persons present from various parts of the county. The ministers present were: Revs. J.B. McGehee, J.M. Austin, W.N. Ainsworth, J.W. Simmons, W. Lane, Malcomb (Malcom?) Hair, and Dr. W.I. Green. The meeting was pleasant and profitable and Mr. McGehee feels hopeful of better results another year.
Cotton Crop
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, July 31, 1894, Page Two
Mr. W.T. Barrow has a 41 acre patch of cotton that he feels confident will produce him 41 bales of cotton. It is now waist high and well fruited. - Macon County Citizen
Barfield Brothers Fight
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, February 27, 1894, Page Two
Last Saturday night while on their way home from here, Messrs. Ell and Lol Barfield, brothers, became involved in a dispute about an old feud that existed between them which terminated in a fight when they were near the residence of Mr. Maffett on their homeward journey. Mr. Lol received the worst of the fight being severely though not fatally cut in numerous places. He is rapidly improving and is thought to be out of danger. – Montezuma Record
Courthouse Cornerstone
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, May 15, 1894, Page Three
The corner stone of the new courthouse will be laid with Masonic honors.
Thursday May 24th. – Montezuma Record
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, January 7, 1896, Page Two
Mr. D.D. Underwood, on his journey to Macon County, Ga. to get married bought his railroad ticket in Atlanta, put it in his pocketbook and the pocketbook in his pants pocket in the rear. When he looked for it again it was gone. A pick-pocket had relieved him of the railroad ticket and $50 in money. He had to telegraph back to Marietta for more money. One of our citizens, whose name is purposely suppressed, visited Atlanta and on his return last Tuesday his inside vest pocket was robbed of $104, the money being wrapped in a piece of paper. - Marietta Journal
Prof. Nelson, Oglethorpe High School
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, April 21, 1896, Page Two
Rev. Mr. Cutts is in charge of the Oglethorpe High School this week owing to the resignation of Prof. Nelson whose health is so bad can no longer attend to the duties incumbent upon him as a teacher. We regret very much to give Mr. Nelson up, and that he will soon regain his health and be with us again. - Macon County Citizen
Residence Burned
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, January 14, 1896, Page Three
Mr. Frank Ogburn, of Delta and one of the best farmers of Macon County lost his residence by fire the first day of January. He had a splendid home well furnished. Mr. Ogburn saved a portion of his furniture but lost most of his clothing. Such a loss is very sad.
Fishing Trip
Reynolds, Ga., May 7th, 1894, By L.A.B.
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, May 8, 1894, Page Three
Mr. E.B. Lewis, of Montezuma camped several days last week at Hick's mill on a fishing expedition. He had with him several friends from Montezuma and Oglethorpe and was visited by many of his friends here during his stay at the Mill. All who attended say they had a royal good time and a warm reception at the hands of Mr. Lewis.
W.D. Harp Seriously Ill
The Butler Herald, March 12, 1912, Page Three, Local Paragraphs
The news announcing the critical illness of Mr. W.D. Harp, of Garden Valley, was a severe blow to his many friends in this city. Mr. Harp has been confined to his bed on account of shattered health for several months, but it was thought that he was improving until Saturday when it is understood he suffered another serious stroke of paralysis. His condition was reported yesterday as being exceedingly serious.
Two Macon County Girls Kidnapped by Negress
Oglethorpe, March 22, The Butler Herald, March 26, 1912, Page Two
Mary Thomas, a negro girl, is in jail here on the charge of kidnapping two little girls, 10 and 12 years old, in an unusual and inexplicable manner here yesterday. The negress lured the children into the woods, half dragged them for two miles and a half, and was found that night by a searching party holding the children in a ditch. The only motive that can be ascribed to her is that she expected to get money from the father, Ed Brightwell for bringing the children back.
Montezuma Record for Sale
The Butler Herald, January 23, 1912, Page Four
The Montezuma Record, owned and edited by our esteemed friend, Mr. W.T. Christopher, is offered for sale. Broken down in health is the reason assigned by Brother Christopher wanting to sell. Editor Christopher is a veteran in the newspaper business. With his pen he has done much for the upbuilding of his town and state. His retirement would be a big loss to the friend of journalism.
Macon County Primary
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, March 31, 1914, Page One
Oglethorpe, March 27 - In the Macon County primary held here yesterday all the old officers were elected as follows:
- Clerk Superior Court, C.A. Powell
- Sheriff, D.M. Hicks
- Treasurer, W.J. Griffin
- Tax Receiver, L.P. Clark
- Tax Collector, W.C. Johnson
- Coroner, W.G. Childs
- County Commissioners, J.M. Lewis and W.H. Gardner
- Democratic Executive Committee, C.A. Greer
There was no candidate announced for county surveyor and the place was left vacant.
Fire in Marshallville
Suffered Severe Fire Loss Wednesday Morning, The Butler Herald, Tuesday, January 13, 1914, Page Seven
About 5 a.m. Wednesday morning fire broke out in the store of Slappey & Jones at Marshallville and before it could be gotten under control had destroyed that store and the adjoining establishment of F.P. Baldwin & Co. Both of these buildings and stocks were a complete loss. The Citizens Bank adjoining Slappey and Jones store was saved by valiant work, as the post office adjoining the Baldwin store.
Man Hit by Train
Rolled Several Feet By Pilot of Engine
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, October 28, 1913, Page Six
Montezuma, Oct. 24 - Brown Lockwood, of Ideal, near here was knocked down by a Central of Georgia engine here this morning and rolled along the track several feet before he was finally pushed aside by the pilot, uninjured, except for bruises.
His wife came very near being struck by the train when she tried to snatch her husband from the track when she saw the danger.
A big crowd was gathered at the depot to catch the morning train to Macon and Mr. Lockwood evidently mistook the main line, because he walked along the track before the engine complacently.
The train was slowed considerably for the station, but rolled a couple of rail lengths, even under the emergency brakes.
The fact that the track is filled to the level with the rails at the point saved the man's life. He departed for his home shortly after the accident, apparently none the worse for it.
Commisioner Suffers Appendicitis
The Butler Herald, Tuesday, March 18, 1913, Page Five, Local Paragraphs
One of Macon County's prominent citizens, Mr. Fielder J. Frederick, of Marshallville, is in the hospital at Macon with an attack of appendicitis and according to last reports with just about an even chance of recovery. He is one of the county commissioners and was formerly representative in the general assembly. It is the hope of his friends that he may be speedily restored to health. - Montezuma Georgian
Fire at Ideal
The Butler Herald, July 23, 1912, Page One
Fire Destroys Three Ideal Stores and Bank
Tuesday morning last the thriving little Macon county town of Ideal was visited by a disastrous fire which broke out in the store of S.K. Johnson & Son and, aided by a high wind, soon had the little town covered by fire and smoke, a goodly portion of the business section being reduced to ashes.
The Bank of Ideal, together with the storehouses and contents of Sutton & Smith, S.K. Johnson & Son and the Ideal Drug Co. were destroyed. H.J. Myrick, who moved his stock of goods suffered a small loss through damage done by rain.
It is not known how the fire originated. All of the property burned is partly covered by insurance.